Individualized, in-Depth Psychotherapy
Welcome to Growth

Individual psychotherapy can help you become an expert on yourself and get back in touch with your sense of vitality.
Clinical Consultation
For other clinicians who are interested in hearing a psychodynamic perspective or learning about one of my specializations.
I am available for speaking engagements and can present on multiple different topics, whether for your workplace, classroom, or event.
Every living thing grows, and we’re no exception. Think of a tree. It will grow based on the resources available to it—how much sun it has, how much water, if it ever suffered an injury.
We’re like that too. Often, we get caught up in judging ourselves for how we’ve grown or failed to grow. We judge ourselves in a way we would never think to judge a wizened old tree. It’s important to remember that we’re never done growing, and we each have the opportunity to start directing our own growth—right here, right now.
Therapy can help you to grow in new directions, as opposed to growing along the same old grooves.
My approach honors each person as a world unto themselves. My goal is to put you into deep, restorative contact with your inner world, so that you can be in fuller relationship to the people and world around you. The kind of therapy I provide is a process of becoming an expert on yourself in a non-judgmental environment, with a partner who might not have an exact map of the territory (because it’s different every time!), but is nonetheless a skilled, experienced guide. It’s also about having new experiences in relationship that allow you to be in the world in a new, freer way.
It’s in your nature to grow
Spiritual and religious concerns
FAmily of Origin Issues
Perinatal Mental Health
Young adulthood
Grief & Loss
First and foremost—I am honored to do this work. I learn as much from my patients as they learn from me, and it is a joy to walk with them.
I practice psychoanalytic psychotherapy. My approach incorporates feminist therapy, relationally focused work, attachment theory and existential approaches. I apply a decolonial and systemic lens to my work, because none of us exist in a vacuum.
While I have a certain set of tools that can be helpful in your healing and growth, you are the one who knows yourself best, and I strive to honor this in therapy by creating an open, empowering, non-judgmental environment where it is safe to explore difficult subjects and be the fullest version of yourself possible.