Individual Psychotherapy
I am currently accepting patients for individual psychotherapy. We will meet at least once weekly to facilitate the kind of depth necessary to foster thorough understanding, our own connectedness, corrective emotional experiences, and, ultimately, change.
I offer peer consultation for other clinicians who are looking for insight into their cases from a psychoanalytic perspective.
As therapists, it’s not a question of if our work will stir up difficult feelings in us, but about how we then use those feelings to further the clinical work. Patients will recreate their relational patterns with us in the therapy room, and we will often enter into them unwittingly. Sometimes it helps to have an extra set of eyes to help us understand what is happening between us and our patients, and how we can use it to foster growth.
I also specifically offer consultation on working with sexual and gender minorities, polyamory, and the individuation process in young adults.
Consultation is available for $130 an hour or on a sliding scale basis.

“It is a joy to be hidden, but a disaster not to be found.”